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International students

Summer Abroad opportunities

Six exciting opportunities to spend your summer abroad completing a four-week programme at a partner institution.

In 2024, students will have the opportunity to select one of six programmes taking place in either Malaysia, Spain, France, Czechia or Brazil.

International student

Why should you take part in a Summer Abroad programme:

  • Develop your employability skills including team work, communication and intercultural awareness
  • Learn new academic skills
  • Become a global citizen
  • Make new friends
  • Have fun!



Our Summer Abroad programmes and funding ate available to current students including final year students enrolled on a Bachelor. Master’s or PhD programme on Middlesbrough or Darlington Campus. Students from the London campus should contact TUGlobal before applying to the programmes. Online students and students studying for a short course are not eligible.

Fees and Scholarships

Turing SchemeEach programme has its own fees, please check each destination for more information.

Fees include transportation, airport transfer, academic programme, accommodation, cultural activities, and other activities related to the programme (unless otherwise specified).

Personal expenses, visa, and extra costs such as vaccination are not included.

Students from Disadvantaged Background

Students from a Disadvantaged Background and meeting at least on the criteria defined by the Turing Scheme will be offered the Disadvantaged Background Fee:

  • Students with low household income or low socio-economic status (including those with an annual household income of £25,000 or less) (the household income you reported to Student Finance England for your Maintenance Loan)
  • Students receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
  • Students who are care-experienced (someone who, at any stage of their life, and for any length of time, has been in care e.g. looked after by the local authority)
  • Students who have caring responsibilities (someone who is responsible for providing unpaid care to a family member, partner or friend)
  • Neither of the students’ parents can be found or it is not reasonably practicable to get in touch with either of them (estranged students)
  • Refugees and asylum seekers

Fees for students from Disadvantaged Background are between £300 and £500 (based on the destination).

International Students – Teesside Transition Bursaries

Teesside University is offering 5 bursaries of £300 to International Students applying for the Summer Abroad programmes.

Students who qualify for the ‘Disadvantaged Background’ fee will not be eligible for the Teesside Transition Bursaries.

Eligible students will receive the scholarship automatically.

Information sessions

Join our information sessions in February and March 2024 to learn more about the programmes. Online and on-campus are available every week.

Sign-up now

Have got a question? Would like to know more about a specific programme? Or discuss the best destination for you?

Contact us to book a 1-2-1 appointment, E:

How to Apply

Applications will be reviewed and graded based on your replies to the 'Personal Statement' section.

You can apply for more than one destination.

You can prepare your personal statement in advance. Personal statement questions include:

  • Why do you wish to take part in the Summer Abroad programme?
  • How do you think this experience will develop you professionally and personally?
  • Why do you think you would be a good Teesside University ambassador while abroad?

Application deadline: Sunday 3 March 2024 5.00pm (UK time)

Pre-selected applicants will be invited for an interview to discuss their application by the end of March. Details of the interviews will be sent to the pre-selected students. Successful applicants will be contacted after the interviews.

Apply directly via the link on the destination page.

Successful applicants will be required to pay a £50 deposit to confirm their place.

Contact us at for alternative application formats

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